Last year, I vowed to LIVE. I made no new year resolutions. I never keep them, so what's the point? After reading new year posts by several bloggers, I found they chose a theme or word to live by for the year. At that point, I chose the word LIVE. And live I did.
God had some amazing plans for my family that I did not know about. We ended the year in a place I never expected (well, maybe I did a little). But that is a whole series of posts to come at a later time.
I still want to live the life that God has planned for me. He is amazing and awesome. His ways are so much better than my own. So, as I am living for Him, what better way to live than to
I want to SHINE the light of Jesus in all I do, everywhere I go. I want people to see me and see HIM. One thing Jeff and I have talked so much about lately is that none of this is for us. It is for God. Everything we do should be His glory, not our own.
My marriage should glorify God.
My "parenting" should glorify God.
My attitude should glorify God.
Everything I am a part of, everything I am about should glorify God.
This world is a dark place. It is becoming darker by the moment. I want to be a SHINING light of hope. I want to lead others to Jesus. I want them to know Him like I do. I want to make the world a brighter place by glorifying God.
Would you join me? Would you help SHINE the light of Jesus in this dark world? Would you help me give hope to the lost and lonely?
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 5:16
What is your word or theme for the new year? I'd love you hear it. Check out what some other amazing military spouses are saying at Wife to Wife Wednesday hosted by Wives of Faith.
I love your word!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful word! :) Great read. Inspiring! <3
ReplyDeleteShine is a great word to pick! We really do live in a dark world. One of my friends birthday wishes for me was that God's greatness would ooze out of every aspect of my life so that all who know me would know God through me. What a fantastic concept, right in line with shining! Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with us :)
ReplyDelete-Rachel (
I really enjoyed the video! I think your word is great and I will gladly join you in being a light in the dark. Shine on!
ReplyDeleteA beautiful word with beautiful intentions! Love it!
ReplyDeleteShine is such a great word for this new year!!