Carson was so excited to help decorate the back of the van (Dollar Tree, I love you!) and wear his Ben Ten Spider Monkey costume. Carter refused to wear a costume...again. He did want to wear Carson's Capt. America mask and shield. Colin was an awesome Clay Matthews. Even told everyone he lost his tooth when he and Aaron Rogers got in a fight in the locker room! Ha! It really fell out while he was asleep. What's up with my kids losing their teeth in their sleep???
If your church does not have Trunk or Treat, I highly recommend that you try it out. We had lots of visitors. It is a great way to bring people to your church who would not normally go. Our night started with a meal for the children. Then the adults had a devotional time while the children enjoyed a craft, Bible story, and games. Then it was time for the candy! There was trunk or treating, music, dancing, and fellowship in the parking lot. Lots of fun!
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