I breathe easily because the deployment did not happen.
When I woke up this morning, the first thing I did was give thanks to God for allowing my husband to be home with me and our boys.
Instead of seeing my husband off, I went on a field trip with Carter. As we left, it was raining and just overall yucky. I just had to think out loud, "If I had to say good bye on a day like to day, it would have been even more difficult. No sunshine. No blue sky. Rain. Cold. Windy.
But honestly, a warm sunshiny day would not have made it any easier! Its just that on a rough day, you don't want your entire environment to be rough too. You know what I mean?
As I type this, I am well aware that Jeff could get orders next year, next month, next week, tomorrow. I know that at any moment, our world could be turned upside down.
I also know that the Lord is my Strong Tower! When I am week, He is Strong! When I can't, He can!
I love my Heavenly Father and I know that he is with me, watching over me every moment of every day. For that I am thankful.
I know that whatever He places before us, He will not allow us to go at it alone. He will be with us.
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