Friday, January 20, 2012

My time is His time

I have been working very hard at spending my time wisely.  Trying my best to spend it in a way that honors God. 

I have done great keeping up with our E100 Challenge.  When I signed up on the military spouse webpage, that ensured me a daily email with the scripture attached.  That has come in handy when I am out somewhere having to wait.  I just pull it up on my email, read it, use the reflection questions, and punch my card.  The reflection questions have really helped me to take a bigger look at the scripture. I was even able to use the scripture one day for our first Bible study meeting!  So proud of myself!

Speaking of my Bible study...

I thought I was going to have to cancel the first meeting!  Last Thursday, I had a terrible stomach thing going on.  Thankfully, we had a snow day Friday, and I was able to take it easy.  Boy did I need it because we spent almost 12 hours Saturday at Colin's Robotics competition (I'll get to that soon).  I felt terrible all day Saturday and Sunday, even missing church Sunday morning.  Monday was MLK Jr. Day so we were out of school and I was able to rest some more.  With an aching body and temperature of over 100, I decided I couldn't cancel Bible study.  We had a great group of women there...almost 20!   During the middle of discussion, my fever broke!!  It was so crazy. 

The discussion of the week went so well. The other ladies had some amazing things to share. We have so many similiarities on our "stresses" and what keeps us distracted from the Lord.  It is wonderful to have the fellowship and support of these women. 

This week, our lesson is about positive attitudes.  How appropriate with a stressful week at work!  It has been helpful to have the study for a week like this.  Can't wait to share my thoughts at the end of the study.

As for Colin's Robotics competition.....well.....

Colin's team won 2nd place in the Innovative Solution part of the competion.  There were about 9 categories, including the overall champions.  A total of 42 teams from across the state competed.  It was a long, amazing day!  I am so proud of Colin and the rest of his team.  They worked really hard with their "coach" Mrs. Rowland.  She is an awesome woman (that's her behind Colin and the trophy).

If your school does not do the First Lego League program, I highly encourage you to get involved. I found out at the competition that you don't even have to be a school. The second place over all winner was a homeschool group.  There were neighborhood groups, church groups, and 4-H groups as well. 

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