Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 66 Return to Glory

Return to glory....

oh, how wonderful it would be to say that I never left.  Unfortunately though, I don't always obey.  For whatever reason, there are times that I bring shame to my Father.  There I am, like the lepers, standing afar, hiding myself, yet shouting, "Unclean!"  What an awful feeling!


The grace of God can restore me.  Through my faith in Jesus Christ, I can be made whole.

I have already received the ultimate gift of grace, salvation.  I know whom I believe. I know whom I serve. I know where I'll spend eternity.

The human part of me is like a slip and slide. As I try to make my way toward the goal, to be the Christain woman God has planned, I slip and slide along the way. Sometimes my steps are steady and strong. Other times, I can't get my bearings and I fall.  Luckily, I don't have to try to get up on my own.  Like the lepers, I can lift up my voice and cry, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on me!"  And He will.  How cool is that?


  1. I love your analogy of a slip and slide! I am behind in our study and am trying to cath myself up so that is a very good analogy for me today!

  2. most days I feel like I am walking on ice I am slipping and sliding so much. thank goodness I know I can always get back up and have smooth sailing (for a while anyway)

  3. I LOVE that His mercy is new every morning!


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