Monday, April 19, 2010

Not Me, Monday #2

“Not Me! Monday” is the brainchild of MckMama where we can pretend that some crazy things did not happen the past week. I always enjoy reading what did not happen to others, so I hope you enjoy reading what did not happen to me

This past week I did not clean out the litter box just to find a piece of yellow ribbon sticking out of the cat poop.  My cat would never eat anything other than his Purina. 

Furthermore, my 4 year old did not decide to retire from T-Ball after 2 practices. Can you count it as two when we just showed up for the last one?  Anyway. My children always finish what they start.

After quitting retiring from t-ball, my son and I did not make our way to the park for a nailbiting Pee Wee baseball game where Colin was playing.  This mom was not on the edge of her seat when we started the fifth inning with a score of 12 - 13.  I most certainly did not hop up off the bleachers to watch the final play of the game when the Cubs won.  I would never get that excited over a Pee Wee game.

On Saturday, my husband suggested we drive over to Fort Campbell so he could pick up some things for his AT training next week. This would allow us some good family time together as well.  This was supposed to have been a "three hour tour" but did not turn in to a 6 hour ordeal. Our car battery (the original) did not die in the parking lot of the US Calvalry store. We did not wait for his parents to come help us out.  If we did, they would not have been at a birthday party in Bowling Green. You do the math! I most certainly did not say a word or not look at my husband for the first 30 minutes or so.I would have laughed it off.  Our oldest child would not have been bored and hungry, our middle child would not have said, "So, how's it going?" and our youngest would not have slept through the whole thing, only waking at Advanced Auto Parts for a diaper change and bottle.

After church on Sunday, Carter and I did not take a four hour nap, waking up in enough time to see we would be missing the evening service.  I would never sleep away an afternoon, not knowing what my husband and other kids were doing.

1 comment:

Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope in some way I have blessed you. I look forward to reading your comment. I may not always get the chance to respond, but I do read every comment.