Thursday, February 05, 2009

A Little of This and a Little of That

This will be a smorgasbord of stuff, so hang on!

First, as part of the Esther study, we've gotten to the beauty treatments Esther and the other "already beautiful" girls were given. So, I'm posing a question or two or three....
1. Makeup: is it a necessary evil?
2.Do you wear it? Why?
3. What would cause you to rid yourself of makeup entirely?
Please leave a comment below. I'd like to be able to use this as discussion.

Also, I'd like to say I'm so proud of my husband (as always. I think he is the greatest husband/father/friend there ever was). He came home the other day so excited about witnessing to a coworker. He was very gentle with this lady who, like so many of us, have excuse after excuse lined up for her own beliefs. He never judged her, only told her what the Bible said about deeds and salvation. As I listened and watch him tell me about this experience, I thought Isn't this what's its all about? Shouldn't we all be this excited about witnessing to people? When you ask some people, "Where will you go when you die?" their response is, "I hope I'm going to heaven." My What Every Christian Should Know devotional stated it like this: You need to have NOT a hope-so, think-so, maybe-so, but a know-so salvation. Thomas asked in John 14:5, "Lord, we don't know where You're going. How can we know the way?" My friends, JESUS is the only way. Do you know without a shadow of a doubt where you will spend eternity?

One thing I'd like to do, since we are approaching Valentine's Day, is to talk about the world's greatest love story. I'll do that in pieces. Billy Graham reminds us of everything we love: our house, our cars, our new shoes, a hot cup of french vanilla coffee, our husbands. We use the word love a lot. Let's hope we don't love our husbands the same way we love our coffee or shoes! What is the greatest love of all? GOD's LOVE FOR US. Yes, that's right His love for you and me. Take time to think about this:

God demonstrates His own love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 1 John 4:10

As you are demonstrating your love for others, don't forget to let them know that Jesus loves them too!

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