Friday, February 13, 2015

Five Minute Friday: When

It's Friday!  We made it through another week.  This week has been quite busy around these parts.  But hey!   I can still make time for Five Minute Friday.  You know the drill.....a writing prompt,  a timer set to five minutes, ready, set, go write!

We are impatient people.  Did you know that?  We have high speed everything.....internet, instant cell phone service, drive thru restaurants, and airplanes that take us around the

But it is never enough.

We are worse than children.

The question "When?"  is as much as part of our daily life as breathing.  Seriously.

When is my alarm going to go off?

When is my coffee going to be done?

When is the mail coming?  I am expecting that package today.

When will the doctor call?  I want my results now!

When will this deployment ever be over?  I miss my husband.

When will these children stop fighting? I am about to pull my hair out.

When will I get a raise?

When can I retire?

When are we going on that dream vacation, buying our dream home, getting that new car?


For the many "whens' in life,  one thing comes to mind.....


Those words remind me that no matter what I am waiting for, God is right there.  He is in control. He's got this.....whatever "this" may be at the moment.

So, when will I learn to let go and let God?


Thank you so much for joining in. Loving Five Minute Friday?  Head on over to and join in.  Submit your own post or just read what some amazing folks have to say.

Have a wonderful weekend!  Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

  1. So true! Learning to "be still and know"! I need the reminder often!


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