Friday, April 25, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Friend

Yes, my dear one. It is that time again. Five Minute Friday.  Got five minutes?  Sure you do.  Read the prompt. Set the Clock. Write.  It's that easy.
Five Minute Friday



A friend is a funny thing.  As children, much of our troubles came from friends.  They weren’t sharing or playing fair.  They spent more time with their other friends.  Then come the teen years. Many of those childhood friends change.  There’s a new crowd, maybe a hipper crowd.  College friends….maybe I have a couple. I got to college, studied, graduated in 3 years.  Wasn’t there for friends, had a career to think about. 

Now, adult friends. That’s another ballgame.  It’s a cross between childhood and teen years.  You want to fit in, sometimes it is hard.  Singles with friends that are married with children.  Coworker friends.  Church friends. Facebook friends.  They all come and go.

But there is one friend that is constant.  Jesus.

But you can’t see him is what you tell me.

I can feel him.

But you don’t know if he’s really there.  Yes, I do.  It's my faith.


My best friend.

I can call him day or night, happy or sad.

I can depend on him to lead me, guide me, never forsake me.

He is true to his word.

He won’t gossip about me.

He won’t throw me under the bus.

He will love me when I neglect him.

He will comfort the tears.

He will never lead me astray.

I am glad, oh so glad, for my relationship with Jesus.  He is my best friend, the friend that makes all other relationships possible.


And I thank you for stopping by, my friend.  My words here come from the heart.  I hope that you are blessed, and I look forward to hearing from you.  While you are at it, stop by Lisa-Jo's and join in with Five Minute Friday. You won't regret it!


  1. Thanks for your post, and you're so right: friends come and go but Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.

  2. Visiting as your FMF neighbor. You hit the nail on the head. Jesus is the cornerstone of all our friendships/relationships. And I think God "leads" us into friendships for a reason -- for better or worse -- so we can grow.


Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope in some way I have blessed you. I look forward to reading your comment. I may not always get the chance to respond, but I do read every comment.