Colin is NOT excited about today.....6th grade orientation. Yes, my baby is a middle schooler now. I figure that is why he couldn't sleep.
Carson is excited about the Star Wars Death Star (?) being available on Club Penguin today. I figure that is why he couldn't sleep.
Me, I just wanted to sleep. I seem to never get enough of it.
Speaking of why I haven't slept a lot is one reason....
Colin had a sleepover for his 11th birthday. 2 friends + birthday boy + 2 little brothers = one sleep deprived mama. But it is all worth it. All the boys were really good and enjoyed themselves. I think we all finally got in bed a little after 3AM.
Colin isn't really big on eating cake, but he definitely knows what kind he wants. This year he wanted a hockey puck cake.
We served this at our family gathering for his birthday after church on Sunday. For his sleepover, however, he had a giant cookie from The Cookie Store.
We had to eat it for lunch the next day because we filled up on hot dogs and S'mores before we could get to it!
So, now that it is August, it is back to school time. There will be school supply shopping, classroom organizing, and open house attending. There will also be soccer coaching and soccer playing. And a Yellow Ribbon event to attend.
What does August have in store for you?
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