Thursday, May 30, 2013

Dreading Next Week

December 29, 2012

Since being on Christmas break, I have to say that I have been spoiled.  It has been nice to bum around the house and be at Jeff's beck and call (aka Skype).  It worked out well that we slept in and then were able to Skype almost daily before Jeff went to bed.


I go back to work on Thursday. That will be the end of that.

I dread that.

We will still be able to Skype some, but not as much.  We will also have texting and email.  However, if you are a military spouse, you know that there is nothing in the world like Skype!

What did the military wives in the past do???? Wonder what they would think of Skype????

So, I guess I will enjoy the next few days of being able to spend time with my husband.  Then it will be back to work :)

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