God is working.
You see, back in 2004, we surrenderred our lives to Jesus. Since then, we have been living for Him. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine that I would be a military wife. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine I would be teaching Sunday School to adults and children each Sunday, being a leader in my church. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine that my husband would be a preacher.
That's what happens when you turn your life over to God.
Our dreams are good. We have plans for our future, things we want to do and accomplish.
But my, oh my! God's plans are so wonderful. His plans are far beyond our wildest dreams. And so much better!
Our lives are far from perfect. But we don't worry about perfection. We seek guidance from God. We seek knowledge and wisdom to be able to lead the lives He has planned for us.
God is at work in our lives. Our lives are not about us. Our lives are about Him.
Recently, our pastor preached on seeking God's vision and asked us to sincerely do just that. And as I did just that, I got butterflies! It was like God was telling me, "Really? Be careful what you pray for because you just might get it!" Its wild I tell ya! Doing God's work! Is there anything better?
There is so much that is unknown in living for Him. What does He really expect? Where will He lead? How will He provide? Am I really in His will? God's rewards are amazing. He doesn't make us millionaires, but He does make us rich. We know Him intimately; we are given grace and mercy. He is just and compassionate. God is loving and forgiving. He provides in ways we can't fathom.
I am so thankful to be His.
I am thankful to have a husband whose heart's desire is to be a man of God.