I have thoroughly enjoyed my extra time in the car with the boys. We've laughed and carried on. We've discussed my sensitivity to the bass in TobyMac's music. My boys have sang along with said TobyMac music. We've talked about the day ahead and wished one another a great day at school. We've even improvised to make sunglasses for the blazing morning sun!
As I've enjoyed my time with the boys, my heart has cringed at what I've seen going on in other vehicles. I've seen parents engrossed in their cell phones, either taking calls, checking Facebook, or playing games. I've seen children with headphones on. I've seen little to no interaction in many of these vehicles.
And as a teacher mama, I say this.... Parents, cherish these extra minutes with your children. Take time to talk to them about their day. Take time to laugh. Pray with them. Make these last few minutes enjoyable so your children get out of that car knowing they are cherished by you, that you'll miss them, that you wish them a fabulous day, and you can't wait to see them after school.
Our babies grow way to fast. Society pushes and pulls at them. They are involved in many extra curricular activities. Our time with our children dwindles each day. We need to make the most of each moment, even that extra 10 minutes in the car.
My challenge to you is this.....next week while you are chauffeuring your littles to and from school, put the cell phone away. Have your kids take the headphones off. Then talk. Sing. Pray. Be silly. Spend time with your children. I promise that you won't be sorry you did.
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