It's short.
It's long.
There's never enough of it.
My favorite thing my husband has said recently, "You've got one shot. You've got to make the most of it."
Its about time.
Friends, we are not promised tomorrow. God knows how many days we have. We don't, and we shouldn't pretend to.
As I'm typing these words, a young mother of 3 is in a coma.
Another mother is battling breast cancer.
Another woman has lost her baby.
A family has had their daughter ripped from their lives from a murderer.
A family is destroyed by a drunken driver, a texting driver, a home invasion, a terrorist attack, an accident.........
We thought we had more time with our loved ones.
We thought we had more time with our children.
Time runs out.
We don't want to talk about it.
We don't want to think about it.
But it's truth.
So take this time.
Count your blessings; count them one by one.
Hug your children. Play with them. Build blanket forts. Paint. Build Legos. Build a snowman. Sing terribly loud in the car. Cuddle. Laugh. Soak up each moment.
And my five minutes are up, but my words are still many.
See, in this five minute time slot, I have more to say. More to share. More life to live.
Thank you so much for joining me for my first Five Minute Friday post of 2016. I hope that you will take the time to leave a comment and visit Kate's to read more amazing words. I pray that you would take time this weekend to spend quality time with God and your family. Cherish those moments and hold them close.
Blessings to you!
AMEN!! Welcome! Stopping by from FMF! The word is perfect as we are still in the beginning of a new year and can think about how we want to spend our time this year. Blessings to you!