Friday, July 17, 2015

Five Minute Friday: Free

There are so many things that wrap us in chains.....greed, pride, lust, insecurities, drugs, pornography. The list goes on and on.  These things trap us and deny us of the life that God has planned for us.  If only we could break FREE.

As women, we are trapped by insecurity.  We compare ourselves to other women.  When we dress, we don't think about what our husbands will think of us, but we wonder what other women will think.  Ultimately, we fear their judgement because we are insecure about ourselves.

Isn't that why we don't wear our swimsuits?

Isn't that why we compare ourselves to these models who seem to defy nature?

We are trapped by insecurity.

But I have news for you....for all of us who still wear our baby weight and bare stretch marks, for those of us who fight or linger on the border of an eating disorder because of your self image, for those of you that are not a single digit size: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.

God made everything glorious.  So ask yourself, "What does that make me?"

Love that tidbit from David Crowder.

We can break free from the chains that trap us. With the help of Christ, we can break free!

Thank you so much for stopping by and joining in with Five Minute Friday.  Leave a comment letting me know you were here and go on over to to join in.


  1. I'm your neighbor over at Five Minute Friday and just wanted to say... "Amen, sister!" Here's to breaking FREE and remaining there (because I now know that freedom is not just a physical condition, it is a state of mind).

    1. Thanks for stopping by neighbor! Yes, we need to break free and stay there!

  2. Natasha, as you know we are neighbors at FMF today. You are so RIGHT, yet I still struggle with it. Drives me nuts! ;)

    1. We all struggle with what we know is right. Praying for strength for all of us to become victorious over what has us chained!

  3. So true! I know that we are loved and free in Christ, but it's still hard to stop measuring ourselves against what we see with others here on Earth.

    1. Yes, Amy, it is difficult. We have to fix our minds on the things of Christ, but the world tries to get us to turn our eyes elsewhere.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, Denise. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Praying that we are all free to be who God made us to be...and that we encourage one another to live there too!

    1. Yes, Holly, we must encourage one another. We all have a story to tell that will encourage others. Thanks for stopping by!


Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope in some way I have blessed you. I look forward to reading your comment. I may not always get the chance to respond, but I do read every comment.