friend (noun)
one attached to another by love or esteem
one that is not hostile
one that promotes something
a favored companion
Those were the definitions I found when I looked up
friend on Merriam Webster.
I think sometimes we use the word loosely. We are concerned with having and being surrounded with lots of friends. Isn't that what we wanted in middle and high school? Truth be told, I am not what I would call "friends" with any of those people from that time in my life. There are people I still see occasionally and we hug and chat for those few moments in the store. But as far as being a being attached to some one by love who is favored companion....those people are very few.
I do have one special friend that I love very much. You may remember her....
Hilarie and I met not quite 10 years ago. Colin and Jacob were attending the same daycare, and then we were attending the same church. God has changed us from the young mamas we started out as. Since becoming friends, we have also become Christians. We even had the blessing of being pregnant together. Kylie and Carson were born just 5 days apart. We have grown so much together. God has made us leaders in our church and community. I enjoy spending time with Hilarie. We've coached soccer together, and I even suckered her into coaching her own team a couple of years ago! We can talk about everything or nothing at all and still enjoy each others company. I know I can depend on her, and she knows she can depend on me. These last few months have been crazy busy, and I feel like we haven't really spent that much time together (even though we sit across the aisle from each other in church every week!). However, when we are together, it is just as fun and interesting (if you know our kids) than ever.
I am very blessed and thankful to have Hilarie in my life. I went for such a longtime without have a best friend, and God placed us together at just the right time. She is someone I can talk to, laugh with, and pray alongside. I pray for her all the time, and I know I am in her prayers as well.
Hilarie, Thank you for being such a good friend to me. I love you!
.I am a little late participating in
Wife to Wife Wednesdays this time with Wives of Faith. But I guess it is better late than never. Right?
Do you have a best friend you would like to share with us? You can link up with
Wives of Faith or comment here.